
Humor Times blog - by James Israel

I publish a monthly paper called the Humor Times, available via subscription anywhere in the world. This blog allows me to comment in a more timely manner on current events, etc., since, after all, I have plenty to say!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

George: the shining example

This administration has been a shining example of the very pinnacle of accomplishment – of incompetence. The third anniversary of the Iraq war has come and gone. Three years of death and destruction, and what has it got us? What good has it done our country? War apologists say "Saddam is gone." And so he is. And a hundred Saddams are waiting in countries all over the world to seize their chance at dictatorship – some, to our shame, we have helped bring to power. Will we police the world and rid it of all evil people? It’s not possible.

Some future Saddams are in Iraq right now, maneuvering as the country descends into civil war. Are Iraqi citizens better off? Most will tell you they’re not. Oh, they were happy to see Saddam go, for sure. But with their country, infrastructure and economy left in a shambles, many are pining for the bad ol’ days, which were much better for them, as far as their day-to-day lives are concerned.

Let’s face it. We’re not better off, and neither are they. Congress raises the debt ceiling to 9 trillion dollars. With a ‘t’ – an unfathomable number. And to think, we had a budget surplus when Georgie moved into the White House. And now we have record budget deficits, and debts as far as the eye can see.
So, what does the president do? He proposes selling off national forests to pay for school bud gets for a few years.

Some estimates put the long-term cost of the war at two or three trillion dollars. Just think of what we could have accomplished with all that money! We could have righted the ship here at home. We could have turned our educational system around. We could have re formed our miserable health care system, replacing it with national health care, thereby bringing us back up to the level of the rest of the modern world. We could have launched an FDR-type New Deal program, this time to build an alternative energy system, to free ourselves of what even ‘W’ admits is a national addiction to oil.

We could started down the road to a better tomorrow. Instead, because of narrow-mindedness, greed and misplaced self-righteousness, we wallow in a sinking pit of debt.

Thanks, George.


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