
Humor Times blog - by James Israel

I publish a monthly paper called the Humor Times, available via subscription anywhere in the world. This blog allows me to comment in a more timely manner on current events, etc., since, after all, I have plenty to say!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Help make Guaranteed Health Care for All a reality in three easy steps

I (and the majority of Americans, according to numerous polls) feel that Guaranteed Health Care for All is a basic human right.

I like this idea from the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), which has launched a nationwide effort to bring this core issue to the heart of the 2008 Democratic National Convention. The platform process is underway, and this is a great way to bring the issue to the forefront of the convention -- if we act as citizens, and contact the delegates. Here's how PDA wants to do it. I invite all to join in.

How you can help change history in three easy steps:

1) Click here and find the names of your area’s delegates to the Democratic National Convention.

2) Contact those delegates and urge them to join three visionary progressive members of Congress--convention delegates John Conyers, Jim McGovern and Lynn Woolsey--who are initial signers of the “Statement in Support of Guaranteed Health Care for All as a Plank in the Democratic Party Platform of 2008.” Any delegate can go online and become a signer at:

3) Pass this letter onto websites, listservs and other outlets to spread the word. Post it wherever you can. Think of this as a grassroots chain letter for Guaranteed Health Care for All.

If you contact delegates now, hundreds of them could soon add their names to this new statement. It urges the convention to adopt a plank in the 2008 party platform to “guarantee accessible health care for all” in the United States, to “create a single standard of high quality, comprehensive, and preventive health care for all”--and to “eliminate financial barriers that prevent families and individuals from obtaining the medically necessary care they need.”

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