
Humor Times blog - by James Israel

I publish a monthly paper called the Humor Times, available via subscription anywhere in the world. This blog allows me to comment in a more timely manner on current events, etc., since, after all, I have plenty to say!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Israel, That Religious State, Drops Phosphorous Bombs on Civilians and Target Ambulances

As reported by the Associated Press (, Israel has started dropping phosphorous incendiary bombs, explicitly banned by the Geneva Conventions. They also are apparently targeting ambulances. "One of the rockets hit right in the middle of the big red cross that was painted on top of the ambulance. This is a clear violation of humanitarian law, of international law. We are neutral, and we should not be targeted," said Ali Deebe, a Red Cross spokesman in Tyre.

Now, that's how to set an example of godly behavior, Israel! It seems the leaders of that country have forgotten all about being persecuted as innocents in Germany, as well as through their storied history. Now they have become the persecutors, with the encouragement of warmonger GW Bush, the "Christian" U.S. president.

If the world gets any more "religion" of this type, we're all doomed.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Bush No Longer a Veto Virgin, Uses First to Deny Medical Advances

The White House resident finally used his first veto, apparently unable to find a way around the law with a "signing statement" (read: "evasive maneuver") this time around. The law was passed by a huge majority in a Republican Congress that is beginning to realize it had better distance itself from the extremely unpopular president, but not quite a large enough majority to override the veto.

It only took Bush nearly six years to finally nix a bill, and naturally, he used the veto in the worst way possible. The law simply would have allowed surplus embryos from fertility clinics to be used for pathbreaking research, rather than tossed in the garbage. He's not "saving" any embryos – and, dumb as he is, he knows it. He's just kowtowing to his "base" – those poor, unfortunate, uneducated, duped, misguided, "religious" (in their minds), right-wing Limbaugh fans who remain in the dark about reality here on earth. In their zeal to "protect life," they are merely causing the continued premature deaths and suffering that could be alleviated by the discoveries that await medical science.

The discoveries will still happen, but most likely in other countries by other scientists not encumbered with idiotic leaders who would rather kill tens of thousands of innocents abroad by starting illegal and counter-productive wars, than help his own citizens – all the while anointing himself as some kind of "conduit" of God's word. Never in history has it been more obvious that a leader is a hypocrite of the highest order than with George W. Bush.