
Humor Times blog - by James Israel

I publish a monthly paper called the Humor Times, available via subscription anywhere in the world. This blog allows me to comment in a more timely manner on current events, etc., since, after all, I have plenty to say!

Monday, January 21, 2008

First issue of new era is out!

With the new year in 2008, we are beginning a new era here at the Humor Times. For nearly 17 years, the publication has been available free all over the Sacramento area, supported by advertising.

Over the last few years, the advertising revenue of this local edition began to wane, until we were actually losing money on it. This can be explained by any number of factors, including the fact that print advertising is down nationally, due in large part to the rise of the internet. The Bush economy, too, must share a big part of the blame, as small businesses are struggling all over, while the huge corporations rake in record profits. (And niche publications are very dependent on small, local businesses.) Whatever the reasons, however, we decided to end the free edition and concentrate solely on the national, subscription edition of the Humor Times. The current issue – out now – is the first without the accompanying local version.

In the final few issues of the free edition, we invited our longtime Sacramento readers to join our growing ranks of satisfied subscribers, and to our delight, many have. We hope even more will, as they begin to miss the free version. The subscription edition has always had a lot more content, and is well worth the paltry $17.95/year (12 issues) we ask for it, we believe! You can even get the downloadable PDF version for a mere $9.95/year!

And right now, you can get $2 OFF the domestic (USA) and PDF (available internationally) rates, just by ordering a subscription and entering "HTnews" (without the quotes) in the Discount Code blank! Hurry, this offer is limited!

If you've never seen the publication, you can order a free sample for a limited time to check it out. It is a 24-page tabloid size magazine, full of the best political humor you'll find gathered together anywhere! It features the finest in editorial cartoons, humor columns and "fake news." If you like Comedy Central's Daily Show and Cobert Report, for example, or political humor of any kind, you'll love the Humor Times!

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