
Humor Times blog - by James Israel

I publish a monthly paper called the Humor Times, available via subscription anywhere in the world. This blog allows me to comment in a more timely manner on current events, etc., since, after all, I have plenty to say!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Pure Insanity - Gov't halts solar plants for 'environmental' reasons

"Faced with a surge in the number of proposed solar power plants, the federal government has placed a moratorium on new solar projects on public land until it studies their environmental impact, which is expected to take about two years." -- Dan Frosch, The New York Times, today.

Uh huh, yeah, right. So NOW the government is suddenly concerned about the environment? Oh, those solar plants could destroy us! But, let's drill off the coasts, and of course, it's perfectly OK with the Bureau of Land Management to pillage their lands with all manner of gas and oil rigs. But not solar -- oh no!

Anybody else see the paranoid hand of the administration meddling here?

Sure, projects should be reviewed for environmental impact. But as Craig Cox, the executive director of the Interwest Energy Alliance (a renewable energy trade group) said, the freeze would "throw a monkey wrench" into the solar energy industry at precisely the wrong time. "I think it's good to have a plan," Mr. Cox said, "but I don't think we need to stop development in its tracks."

Oh, but the Bush administration is already working on 'alternative' energy'! It's their 'drill the coasts' alternative! After all, their oil buddies can't make a dime on these solar plants.

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Radical changes needed

The state of this country and the world at large is such that tinkering around the edges will no longer suffice – not that it ever really did. (In fact, that's what got us into this mess in the first place!)

The current crop of neocons that has stolen the White House and terrorized our democracy should be tried and locked up forever – as karma would dictate, seeing as how they think they can lock people up and throw away the key. (Only difference: they can be locked up legally, for high crimes and misdemeanors.)

As's Marc Ash put it: "For those who thought Tom Delay's departure would really change anything in Congress, this past week was a strong cup of coffee. On Capitol Hill, politics and greed still trump the good of the nation, still trump the Constitution, still trump all. While nothing that happened in Washington this past week was new or should have surprised anyone, we were nonetheless served clear notice, anew, that this is a democracy under siege."

So, we need to do some serious reconstruction of our democracy, by, in my view:

1. Outlawing big money from the electoral process at all levels, giving qualified candidates equal time and space in the media, and nationalizing the energy corporations and health care.

2. Implementing a 'new deal' style alternative energy program, training and employing people to build a new infrastructure for carbon-free energy delivery.

These things will allow us to gain a new footing, and begin to change everything else that needs fixing. Neither the Dems nor the Repubs will do this on their own, we need to pressure them like they've never been pressured before.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Seawater Greenhouse - lowest cost method of desalination and truly sustainable

The Seawater Greenhouse is a unique concept which combines natural processes, simple construction techniques and mathematical computer modeling to provide a low-cost solution to one of the world's greatest needs – fresh water. The Seawater Greenhouse is a new development that offers sustainable solution to the problem of providing water for agriculture in arid, coastal regions.

It may become the lowest cost method of desalination and perhaps the only one that is truly sustainable.

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Hello? Can you hear me now?

Twenty Appeal Against the Cell Phone:

Writing for the Journal de Dimanche, Yann Philippin and Soazig Quemener analyze the disturbing phenomenon behind the appeal 19 scientists - brought together by eminent specialist in the fight against cancer David Servan-Schreiber - have launched to sensitize public opinion to the risks cell phone use could pose to the brain, notably for the youngest patients.

A Swedish study shows that the risk of having a cancerous tumor on the side where the telephone is used doubles in ten years. The American BioInitiative report adds that there is also a significant risk of increase in infantile leukemia and neurological problems (including Alzheimers)."

...You know when you can pop popcorn with cell phones, something's cooking:

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Friday, June 06, 2008

Congressional Republicans: Have a Heart!

Last week, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee came to a tentative agreement that could help regular Americans affected by the foreclosure crisis. But now the issue faces the full Senate, and Bush Republicans are blocking solutions. When will they learn?

Hey, Senate Republicans: You bail out the institutions whose greed got the country into this mess, but won't help people who are losing their homes? Are you trying to lose every seat in Congress? You're on the right track!

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