
Humor Times blog - by James Israel

I publish a monthly paper called the Humor Times, available via subscription anywhere in the world. This blog allows me to comment in a more timely manner on current events, etc., since, after all, I have plenty to say!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

WMD found! Finally!

Hey, did you hear? They found the Weapons of Mass Destruction! Good thing we got that cleared up!

Oh... they had already been removed from Iraq ten years ago... by those lousy old do-nothing weapons inspectors!

And someone left them sitting around the U.N. offices, where they could have wiped out the whole building, and who knows how much of New York. Well, that's bureaucracy for you!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The devil made them all do it

Wow! It's so funny, and so amazing, to watch all these Republicans get caught, literally, with their pants down! The party that has wooed the religious right for so long with its intolerant proclamations of anti-gayness, piousness, and "cleaning up Washington" is being exposed -- weekly, it seems -- as utter hypocrites.

You'd think they'd give up the pretense -- I mean, c'mon, isn't the gig up already?? There are just as many gays in the Republican ranks as there are anywhere. Hey, guess what? It's O-K! Just ADMIT it, already!!! And come down off your high horse. It's time for Republicans everywhere -- politicians and non-politicians alike -- to stop persecuting others for what you yourselves do.

And, Republicans in office, how about cleaning up your act! Sheesh! Scandal after scandal. Can you imagine the mud they'd be hurling if all these scandals (bribes, kickbacks, sexual improprieties, abuse of office -- the list goes on and on and on) were on the Democrats? Hint: remember the Clinton affair? The neo-con loving media (Fox, et al) would be having a field day. As it is, all they can do is try to change the subject.

War on Iran, anyone?


Monday, August 27, 2007

Humor Times launches e-newsletter, with Cartoon of the Week!

We hope to add some cheer to your week with a new weekly e-newsletter we've launched. It will contain a Cartoon of the Week, a column by the world's best political comedian, Will Durst, some titillating "fake news" from the Giant Napkin, and a chance to enter the monthly Cartoon Caption Contest!

Subscribing to the free e-newsletter is easy, and so is unsubscribing, so check it out! We promise not to share your email address with anyone. To subscribe, click here: Subscribe

Thank you, and we hope you enjoy it!


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Humor Times in the news again!

This article was making the rounds recently, posted on various sites. We don't know if it made it to print anywhere yet, let us know if you've seen it...

'Humor Times' Doesn't Mind Being Laughed At

(Article on

It's no joke - or maybe it is. The Humor Times, a monthly political humor and cartoon newspaper published in Sacramento, California for over 16 years, is launching a national expansion, hoping to take the country by a storm – of laughter.

Similar to Funny Times, a very successful monthly out of Columbus, Ohio, the Humor Times goes further with the political angle, taking advantage of a national news climate that just begs for satirical treatment.

Read more here...
