
Humor Times blog - by James Israel

I publish a monthly paper called the Humor Times, available via subscription anywhere in the world. This blog allows me to comment in a more timely manner on current events, etc., since, after all, I have plenty to say!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

How to counter 10 of the most common myths conservatives believe about progressives.

I wanted to share this really great article I found on Alternet. Although it's written about relating to your right-wing relatives around the holidays, I found it just a really good reminder of what we progressives are all about, and in that way, very inspiring and re-energizing...

Worried About Thanksgiving Fights with Right-Wing Family Members?

How to counter 10 of the most common myths conservatives believe about progressives. Read more ยป

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Changing attitudes toward Wall Street expressed graphically

Yeah, my sentiments exactly...

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Same ol' "change"?

I gotta say, I'm very disappointed so far by Obama's transition team. "Change"? What change?

It's nothing but the same old crowd -- this team for "change."

Take Hillary Clinton, for example. It seems pretty obvious he wants to tap her for Secretary of State. But this is a perplexing choice for many reasons. Naturally, you wouldn't want her in charge of health care, because the bad taste from her first attempts at that -- way back in '92 as the first lady -- still lingers. But Secretary of State? Foreign affairs is the area where he most disagreed with her during the campaign! I understand the desire to emulate Lincoln with a "team of rivals," but does he have to pick people for posts where they are diametrically opposed to his views? You're just making it even harder on yourself, Obama -- as if it weren't going to be difficult enough!

Then there's his main economic advisers, Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson, both of whom are waist deep in the mortgage debacle. Both have served as CEO of Fannie Mae, with Raines taking over from Johnson. Why choose two of the architects of our financial implosion as your advisers? This makes me really nervous about who he'll pick for Treasury Secretary. We're looking for change, remember? That means something different. There are plenty of top economists who have some very good ideas and don't have their hands dirty. Let's give some new blood a try!

Then of course, there's his pick for chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, an old center-right Clintonite, and the persistent talk of retaining Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. If the first few picks go this way, what does it say about all his promises of "change"? I just don't get it.

Not much is set in stone yet, however. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. I certainly hope so.

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Saturday, November 08, 2008

My letter from the president

I got a letter from the president -- you know, still-president George W. The letter thanked me for my "kind words." Didn't know what the heck he was talking about, of course. I figured it must've been some auto-response to some letter that got sent via some email thingy I signed. But it was snail-mailed to me. And it was in a big 9x11 envelope, with cardboard inside, and had an embossed presidential seal on it and everything! I figured it must be important.

So, it went on to say, "For nearly 8 years, it has been an honor and a joyous experience to be the President of the greatest county on earth." And I thought, yeah, for YOU maybe. Then, "I will sprint to the finish line in the months ahead with confidence in our purpose and trust in the power of the American spirit." I'm not making this up... The next line read, "As a Nation, we will continue to defend freedom's cause..." Oh really, and how are you going to do that, George? Because all you've done so far is trash our economy and world standing -- all for a lie. But go ahead, you were saying? " a more prosperous future..." OMG! I'm DYING here! "and make our society more peaceful..." SERIOUSLY? "and hopeful for every individual." Yeah, uh huh, riiiiiiite.


Ok, King W's rein is almost over, I must keep reminding myself. But then, I think... another two and a half months? Anything could happen. He could yet trash the rest of this tattered, embattled, saddened, bankrupt and frightened America. That's just too much time! G.W., please, we beg of you -- don't do anything else! Just... STAND there. Ok? Really. I mean it. Right there. Don't move.

Obama is on his way. And he can't take the reins too soon.

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The White Man Won

Hey, Obama is half white, after all. We call him black, but the fact is, he's just as white as he is black, genetically speaking. Which is perfect.

Some people think Abraham Lincoln had some African blood in him. Whether or not he did, two skinny tall guys from Illinois, both lawyers and state legislators, both coming from humble beginnings, went on to reach the presidency of the United States of America. The first one freed the black slaves, the second became the first black president.

Though he is half white, we call him black. And yet we elected him, overwhelmingly. And, while that is certainly a victory for the black man in America, it is also a victory for the white man in America. For the simple reason that he has overcome his sordid history of racism. In that sense, it is a victory for us all. Even the racists that are presently seething in their hatred as they witness a history they never saw coming may eventually be changed.

Why? Because, familiarity brings understanding. Although Mr. & Ms. Bigot may not see it today, eventually, they will have to admit that, hey, this guy is doing a pretty good job. (Because we know he'll do a great job.) And they'll see him everyday in the news, conducting their nation's business. The country will not turn communist. Obama will not invite Al Qaeda for dinner. They sky will not fall. They will, eventually, see that they were lied to, by their own party... this man is no terrorist, he is a true, red, white and blue American.

And like the prejudiced person living in a formerly all-white neighborhood, when the black family moves in next door, after some time passes and they get to know them a bit, the prejudice subsides. So will the inbred racism of a whole generation begin to subside, as even people who remain isolated from other races where they live begin to become familiar with this new black president. They will see good things happening, their own lot improving, as we move from an economics geared toward the rich to one geared toward the people. Then they may begin to see.

The blacks and the whites won. In the words of Martin Luther King, "Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we're free at last!" Hallelujah.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Vote! Or forfeit any right to complain!

Sure, you're tired of hearing it, but until we get up near the percentile of eligible people voting that other democracies have, we need to keep prodding each other. Please vote, no matter how much you think it won't matter. Because it does matter.

And after election day, let's put the pressure on our government to finally do all the things it's been neglecting: health care for all, rebuilding our infrastructure, alternative energy, etc., and last but NOT least: REFORMING THE ELECTION SYSTEM ITSELF!

It's incredibly embarrassing to hear from people in other countries who can't believe what a mess our election system is! We need a uniform system, completely transparent and verifiable. Fire the incompetent/dishonest electronic election machine companies, put their CEOs in jail where they belong for election tampering, and legislate proper election procedure - right away! Let's not wait until the next election!

Here's hoping that 'change we need' is more than just a slogan...

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