
Humor Times blog - by James Israel

I publish a monthly paper called the Humor Times, available via subscription anywhere in the world. This blog allows me to comment in a more timely manner on current events, etc., since, after all, I have plenty to say!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

No thanks to forced vaccinations

Why must our society over-react so much? Whether it's marching off to war for a pack of lies, being paranoid about health care reform, or tazing grandmas, something about our culture just loves to jump to conclusions and act impulsively. Of course, a lot of this behaviour is encouraged by those who stand to make a profit off of it.

Take for example a new law passed by the state Senate in Massachusetts, which calls for mandatory vaccinations of all citizens and a $1,000/day fine for those who refuse to cooperate. It also legalizes health care "interrogations" of Mass. citizens, forced entry into homes without a warrant, the on-site destruction of buildings or objects suspected of harboring the virus, the government kidnapping of family pets, "involuntary transportation" of people into quarantine camps and much more.

Of course, the drug companies making the vaccines love this stuff.

Read the analysis of this disturbing police state assault on freedom that's about to be signed into law in Massachusetts (and could be followed by other states across the country):

Vaccines are notoriously ineffective anyway, and often worse than the disease. Not to mention a clear link between vaccines and Downs Syndrome. From
Historical facts exposing the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines.

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Friday, August 28, 2009

What's to become of your pets when you get Raptured? Now there's a solution.

Eternal Earth-Bound Pets, USA are a group of atheists, sure, but moral atheists, who just want to help. Hey, you have to trust someone who is getting left behind, if you want to make sure your pets are cared for when you get raptured. And they'll do it for just a small, nominal fee! (Paid ahead, naturally.)

As their site says,
"You've committed your life to Jesus. You know you're saved. But when the Rapture comes what's to become of your loving pets who are left behind? Eternal Earth-Bound Pets takes that burden off your mind"
And who wouldn't want that kind of peace of mind? I mean, just because you're holy enough to get raptured, doesn't mean your loyal, earthbound pet should have to suffer!

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Monday, August 24, 2009

This is HUGE! Finally, a challenge to the 'personhood' of corporations in the Supreme Court!!!

On August 1st Democracy Unlimited filed a brief in the U.S. Supreme Court challenging “corporate personhood,” the illegitimate and undemocratic legal doctrine which allows courts to overturn democratically elected laws that attempt to control corporate harm and abuse...

“The notion that corporations have the same speech rights as people under our Bill of Rights is contrary to the words, history, spirit and intent of our Constitution,” said Clements. “The organizations that joined to bring these arguments to the Court have worked with others for many years to empower democratic self-government. They remind us that corporations do not vote, speak, or act as people do, but are products of government policy to achieve economic and charitable ends. As such, corporations need not be allowed to influence our elections if Congress and State governments judge that such influence is detrimental to democracy.”

The Supreme Court is considering overturning federal campaign regulations for corporations, originally enacted in 1907, and may soon overrule previous Supreme Court decisions that have upheld the Constitutionality of legislative restrictions on corporate money in politics...

The brief filed by Democracy Unlimited argues that corporations are legal entities created by state or federal law for economic, charitable or other purposes, and were never intended to be included within the Constitution’s Bill of Rights...

More details and a long discussion thread at Reddit.

The Supreme Court will be hearing the case in September. Expect to hear more about this then, but you can get a head start now.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Best health care solution yet!

Thom Hartmann has the best idea for health care reform, laid out in an open letter to the prez entitled
A Modest Medicare Proposal.

In it, he proposes the simplest solution yet, which is completely revenue neutral and has no complicated provisions that give the right-wing corporate health care deniers (not providers -- let's be honest here) nothing to sink their teeth into.

The idea is to let citizens buy into Medicare if they so choose. Brilliant! Medicare is so cost-effective that allowing people to buy into it should be way cheaper than paying for health insurance from these profit-crazy crooks that are fleecing us now.

Please read Thom's article and send a letter to Obama and your reps today!

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Opposed to Socialized Medicine? Now's your chance to pledge to deny yourself Medicare for life!

Finally! All who are opposed to "socialized" health care can now sign a petition created to let you pledge to refuse to use the Medicare you already have, or to promise to never sign up for it. That's right, Medicare is a government run insurance program, much like that evil public option!

If you choose not to sign it, I'm sorry, but you're a hypocrite!

Next up: We hope to create "Thanks but no thanks" yard signs you can put up in your yard, telling those socialistic police and fire departments that you're against all socialist institutions like theirs! After all, our taxes pay for their services! And we all know the government can't do ANYTHING right! So, buy one of these signs (yes, they're for sale -- what'd you think? This is capitalism), and tell those commies where to go! Next time your house is on fire, you can hire help to put it out -- that's the American way!

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Thursday, August 06, 2009

Remembering Hiroshima

On August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber flew over Hiroshima, Japan. The uranium 235 bomb, named Little Boy, exploded at 8:16 a.m. In an instant 80,000 to 140,000 people were killed and 100,000 more were seriously injured. The blast wave shattered windows for a distance of ten miles and was felt as far away as 37 miles. Hiroshima had disappeared under a thick, churning foam of flames and smoke.

Thousands of nukes are still a threat to life on earth, and Russian nuclear subs are patrolling off our coast right now. We need to remember the tragedy and continue to work toward a day when we can live in peace.

A good way to remember is to participate in a fresh Anti-Nuke Push.

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