Bush mad cuz the usually compliant press didn't ask permission!
So now King Bush is ready to chop off some heads, because the New York Times didn't get permission first to tell us that the administration is looking at our bank records. How dare the press do any investigative reporting! How dare they tell the American people that their government is snooping in ever more intrusive ways on our lives! And the so-called cable tv "media" pundits are weighing in with him -- which would be funny, if it weren't true that idiots like these are increasingly taking over our media outlets. If they have their way, we wouldn't be told anything at all that didn't follow the administration line.
The Times and every other outlet that still has any balls ought to respond by coming out with the ugly truth in full force. If anything, they are way to timid. Defending themselves against these absurd charges is a waste of time, and only serves to waste energy, and will end up making them more 'careful' not to ruffle any feathers next time.
Instead, they should go on the offensive. Calling all media outlets! BE media outlets! Let Out The Truth!!! We have been getting spoon-fed nothing but blase baby pap for years. How about informing the hoodwinked American public about what's really going on? You could start by educating readers on the power grabs that have led us to this point in our history, where the corporate powers-that-be are taking over this country, and explain to us how it is we got here. Because most people are ignorant on the subject – through no particular fault of their own, since the facts have been hidden from them.
How about bringing out the fact that the Federal Reserve System is not "Federal" at all, it's a privately owned banking cartel, and controls the supply of money, therefore controlling the government. The Federal Reserve was established by the passing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 by a handful of senators on Christmas Eve, when most lawmakers had gone home; primary among them was Senator Nelson Aldrich, father-in-law of John D Rockefeller who had organized a meeting of the major bankers at the Rockefeller and Morgan owned Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia in 1910. This meeting had as its sole purpose the drafting of the Federal Reserve plan.
The Act gave away the government's power to control the money supply, which is unconstitutional. According to the United States Constitution, only the U.S. Congress has the power and responsibility to coin money and set its value. This Act, over time, and in combination with all the laws and judicial decisions since then which have been based on this deeply flawed bill, has basically led to a corporate takeover of the government, which the current White House resident and corporate whore is doing all he can to enhance.
Another legally questionable cog in this takeover machine, a precursor to the above, was the 1886 Supreme Court ruling establishing that corporations qualify for all the same rights as human beings. As author Thom Hartmann argues in his book Unequal Protection, few judicial pronouncements have dealt democracy and human rights a more bitter blow than this ruling, which established special unprecedented legal status, and which has been used ever since to remove corporations from public accountability for their actions. Hartmann’s Web site offers a history of the corporate personhood debate and resources for citizen activists.
There are many more things that need to be brought to the ill-informed public’s attention, and then, once the populace is armed with the truth, what we need is a revolution. Hopefully a peaceful one, but a revolution nonetheless. We need to throw out the fat, lazy, rich lapdog Congress, elect real working people, and repeal these unconstitutional laws. Then we need to change the election laws (I would say we need to do this first, but Congress as it exists would never do it), and create publicly-financed elections. This is the only way to elect representatives who will do the people’s business, rather than the business of the corporations that currently pay for their election campaigns. While we’re at it, of course, we need to throw out the rigged electronic voting machines, and get back to hand-counting the ballots. (Sure, it may take a little longer, but each precinct will have citizen-monitored vote counts, as the founders intended.)
Am I living in Fantasyland? You may say so, but this is the only way back to true democracy. Otherwise, we will continue to see our rights eroded away, as our ‘leaders’ continually harangue us with their incessant fear-mongering, trying to convince us the only way to save our rights is to give them up. The ‘privatization’ (read ‘corporatization’) of America will continue, and all we’ll be left with is a hollow shell of the promise that once was America.
Where do you stand? With the corporatists, or with the people?
The Times and every other outlet that still has any balls ought to respond by coming out with the ugly truth in full force. If anything, they are way to timid. Defending themselves against these absurd charges is a waste of time, and only serves to waste energy, and will end up making them more 'careful' not to ruffle any feathers next time.
Instead, they should go on the offensive. Calling all media outlets! BE media outlets! Let Out The Truth!!! We have been getting spoon-fed nothing but blase baby pap for years. How about informing the hoodwinked American public about what's really going on? You could start by educating readers on the power grabs that have led us to this point in our history, where the corporate powers-that-be are taking over this country, and explain to us how it is we got here. Because most people are ignorant on the subject – through no particular fault of their own, since the facts have been hidden from them.
How about bringing out the fact that the Federal Reserve System is not "Federal" at all, it's a privately owned banking cartel, and controls the supply of money, therefore controlling the government. The Federal Reserve was established by the passing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 by a handful of senators on Christmas Eve, when most lawmakers had gone home; primary among them was Senator Nelson Aldrich, father-in-law of John D Rockefeller who had organized a meeting of the major bankers at the Rockefeller and Morgan owned Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia in 1910. This meeting had as its sole purpose the drafting of the Federal Reserve plan.
The Act gave away the government's power to control the money supply, which is unconstitutional. According to the United States Constitution, only the U.S. Congress has the power and responsibility to coin money and set its value. This Act, over time, and in combination with all the laws and judicial decisions since then which have been based on this deeply flawed bill, has basically led to a corporate takeover of the government, which the current White House resident and corporate whore is doing all he can to enhance.
Another legally questionable cog in this takeover machine, a precursor to the above, was the 1886 Supreme Court ruling establishing that corporations qualify for all the same rights as human beings. As author Thom Hartmann argues in his book Unequal Protection, few judicial pronouncements have dealt democracy and human rights a more bitter blow than this ruling, which established special unprecedented legal status, and which has been used ever since to remove corporations from public accountability for their actions. Hartmann’s Web site offers a history of the corporate personhood debate and resources for citizen activists.
There are many more things that need to be brought to the ill-informed public’s attention, and then, once the populace is armed with the truth, what we need is a revolution. Hopefully a peaceful one, but a revolution nonetheless. We need to throw out the fat, lazy, rich lapdog Congress, elect real working people, and repeal these unconstitutional laws. Then we need to change the election laws (I would say we need to do this first, but Congress as it exists would never do it), and create publicly-financed elections. This is the only way to elect representatives who will do the people’s business, rather than the business of the corporations that currently pay for their election campaigns. While we’re at it, of course, we need to throw out the rigged electronic voting machines, and get back to hand-counting the ballots. (Sure, it may take a little longer, but each precinct will have citizen-monitored vote counts, as the founders intended.)
Am I living in Fantasyland? You may say so, but this is the only way back to true democracy. Otherwise, we will continue to see our rights eroded away, as our ‘leaders’ continually harangue us with their incessant fear-mongering, trying to convince us the only way to save our rights is to give them up. The ‘privatization’ (read ‘corporatization’) of America will continue, and all we’ll be left with is a hollow shell of the promise that once was America.
Where do you stand? With the corporatists, or with the people?
At August 02, 2006 9:32 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Right on brother James. I agree 100%. And I'm with the people.
Problem is our media is owned by, guess what? ... big corporations!
So I don't expect to see much truth out of them. About as likely as NBC being antiwar when they are owned by GE which makes millions off selling weapons to the military.
At April 23, 2007 10:20 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Have come to Humor Times site first time today. Most of the articles I found engaging.
I accept that your writers will have their own political bias, but to call the American president a "whore" somehow seems to me to downgrade the blog article to the level of sewer humour rather than serious ironic debate.
Otherwise, the writing and concepts are interesting enough for further visits to the web site. (Much travelled Canadian living in England.)
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